Market your hotel on Germany's largest comparison portal

No. 1 comparison portal with over 15m satisfied customers and the biggest discounts

Strong media presence on TV and on all relevant social media platforms

260 times awarded for innovative comparisons and the best customer service

Market your hotel on Germany's largest comparison portal

No. 1 comparison portal with over 15m satisfied customers and the biggest discounts

Strong media presence on TV and on all relevant social media platforms

260 times awarded for innovative comparisons and the best customer service

CHECK24 Hotel

Best offers. Maximum user-friendliness. Excellent service.

Fastest growing travel portal

Top 5 travel portals in Germany

The fvw analysis records the brokered revenue of online travel agencies in the German source market for the calendar year 2018. The revenue figures are presented in EUR billions and are largely based on expert estimates. Growth values rounded. Source: fvw Dossier Travel Sales, publications from June 2019 and June 2020,

Direct connection in three simple steps

Cooperation agreement with CHECK24
Full price control
Favorable commissions
Rate push via your Channel Manager
Automatic interface -
no additional effort
No risk of
Configuration and booking overview in Extranet
Strong presence on largest
German-language platform
Personal support from
our team

Direct connection in three simple steps

Cooperation agreement with CHECK24
Rate push via your Channel Manager
Configuration and booking overview in Extranet
Full price control
Automatic interface -
no additional effort
Strong presence on largest
German-language platform
Favorable commissions
No risk of
Personal support from
our team

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